Ganadería San Isidro

La Ganadería San Isidro up close


Ganadería San Isidro was created in 2015 after Mr. Raúl Tenorio bought over Giménez Indarte (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), along with its 400 heads of fighting cattle, branding rights, coloured ribbon and age.

Following an exhaustive search for ranch land near Madrid, we decided on “El Monte del Llanillo and Tio Isidro” in Villarejo de Salvanés, mainly due its close proximity to the city. After six months of preparation to renovate and adapt the facilities where the livestock are kept, the animals started to be moved from Jaén on 16 December 2015. Their new destination: Navarredonda de los Llanillos, thus named as a sign of respect and admiration for the original ranch. The final batch of breeding cows, calves and stud bulls arrived on Christmas Eve 2015.

Coloured ribbonRed and yellow
Ear brandSpearhead
Age16 August 2002
AffiliationUnión de Criadores de Toros de Lidia (UCTL)
RanchNavarredonda de los Llanillos, Villarejo de Salvanés, Madrid
Actualmente superamos los 500 ejemplares bravos, con ocho sementales, alrededor de 160 vacas de vientre y las camadas de añojos, erales y utreros. Con este número de vacas reproductoras resultan por temporada una media de 120 becerros entre hembras y machos.
We currently have over 500 fighting bulls, including 8 stud bulls, around 160 breeding cows and batches of yearlings and two and three-year-old bulls. Our breeding cows calve an average of 120 male and female bull calves each season.


At Ganadería San Isidro we give you the opportunity to discover the mystery of live calving or the thrill of watching the young calves play. We hold great esteem for the fighting bull, which is why we want to teach our visitors and show them how the bull lives and is raised long before entering the bullring. We want to help you understand their nature and behaviour, and show you why this is a unique animal, both in life and death. Come and discover the thrill with us.

Our animals receive the finest care and for us, their physical condition is key. Our primary concern is the health, feeding and behaviour of our livestock. Our foreman and our herdsmen ensure each day that the animals are properly fed, and care for the breeding cows to assure that calves are born healthy and that they will grow to become the future of the ranch. These are our daily activities, which include the fascinating and mysterious faenas de campo. Come and discover these activities with us.

We raise and select our fighting bulls on our ranch, and these bulls receive exceptional care until the day of the fight. We also select the finest breeding cows during the process known as la tienta (testing), thus ensuring the survival of the species and improving the ideal of our fighting bulls year after year.

Para nosotros, criar el toro bravo es el punto máximo de nuestra afición taurina.
The way in which we raise fighting bulls shows out fondness of the bullfighting world.

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